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Floral Painting Workshop

Floral Painting Workshop

Floral Painting Workshop with Becka Higham & Serenity Emily’s

Saturday 21st October at 2:30 pm with Becka Higham

£15 per person

During this workshop, we will be exploring painting techniques to capture still life, such as flowers, pumpkins, and Christmas foliage! During the 2 hour session, you will have the chance to create up to two final paintings, applying the techniques you have developed. You will be able to explore a variety of themes, including autumnal, Halloween, winter, or Christmas, within your work.

The price includes all materials for the session, along with tea, coffee, and juice, which will be available during the workshop.

How To Book:
To book your place please visit Becka Higham’s Etsy

The sessions have limited spaces.
Appropriate workshop for Adults and those aged 10 or over.

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